Frater Vameri

Well, it is the end of the year again and the time has come to take that short break from work to renew energy and ideas. Last year, I shared with you a list of interesting books about Vodou or about subjects that could be interesting for those interested in OTOA-LCN.
This year, I would like to do something different. I will mention some Vodou researchers with very consistent work. Interested parties can search for them on the search bases and read their work knowing that they will be dealing with solid information. Let's go to them:
Robin Law - He graduated from Oxford in 1967 and did his PhD in History in Birmingham in 1972. He conducted research in Nigeria and was also a professor in Holland, Canada and Israel.
Luc de Heusch - He was a writer, filmmaker and ethnographer. He conducted extensive fieldwork in the Belgian Congo and was a professor at the Free University of Brussels.
Donald J. Cosentino - He did his doctorate at the University of Wisconsin. He is a professor at the University of California, where he teaches culture and performance. He did a lot of research in Nigeria and Haiti.
Rachel Beauvoir Dominique - Studied anthropology at Tufts University and at Oxford. She taught Haitian anthropology at the State University of Haiti. She was Mambo de Vodou .
Karen McCarthy Brown - She was an American anthropologist who did her undergrad at Smith College and her Ph.D. in 1970 at the University Temple about veves of Vodou. She wrote the book “Mama Lola”, a classic about Haitian Vodou in the Diaspora.
Patrick Bellegarde -Smith - Professor of Africology at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He did a doctorate in international studies at the American University and also taught at this institution. He has written several books and is the president of KOSANBA, an association for the academic study of Vodou . He is a Houngan.
Kyrah Malika Daniels - Professor at Boston College. She earned her bachelor's degree from Stanford University and her master's and doctorate from Harvard University. She teaches art history and African and African-American diaspora studies. She is the vice president of KOSANBA. Dr. Daniels is writing a book about ritual objects used in healing processes. She is a Mambo.